Full Gospel Orphanage

  Full Gospel Foundation Children’s Home (Orphanage)

  Location: Hope Village Community, Ganta, Nimba County
 Date Founded: May 1, 2003
Directors: Martin & Kau Valentine 
Martin and Kau Valentine (Center) along with Sydney (Right), and Albert (Left) in front of the boys dormitory.

Vision: During the 14 years civil war, Kau saw children who had lost parents, though she and her family were struggling and starving, she was greatly moved with compassion for the many kids in the streets that had lost their parents. With this compulsion, she convinced her husband, who was felling trees to burn for charcoals for living, to take the children from the streets, and share whatever little they have to help them survive. As a result, the orphanage was started with twenty seven (27) children. There vision is to see this orphanage become a self-sufficient village, with its own agricultural project, vocational school, and clinic, raising orphans to become God-fearing men and women who would expand God's Kingdom, and positively contribute to the socio-economic development of post-war Liberia.  

Support: Meagre intake from school is used to pay teachers, and rest used to support home. 

1. Clothes, feeding, books, bunk beds, and medicines for kids.
2. Transportation - to transport kids to and from school, etc.
3. Reliable generator for electricity. 
4. Fence - this a Government requirement. Currently has wire fence, but needs concrete fence.

Legal: Incorporated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a legal non-governmental entity in Liberia.

Number of Children: Currently there are nineteen (19) kids (10 boys, 9 girls) with ages ranging from  seven to fifteen (7-15). Three (3) of them are already above the orphanage age of eighteen (18), and have completed high school, but are still living at the orphanage because they have no where to go. 

School Activities
School Activities

Recruitment: Kids are identified from the streets. Sometimes through churches, schools, and community groups. 

Facilities: Buildings are on two (2) lots of land, and are  semi solid, made from mud dried bricks, and laid and plastered with cement. Currently, buildings at the orphanage are: 1) Boys Dormitory, accommodating up to twenty (20) kids. 2) Girls Dormitory, takes up to thirty (30) kids. 3) Dinning Hall - accommodates up to thirty (30) persons. The orphanage also has a hand pump from which the kids drink, two (2) compartments building pit latrines for kids that are almost filled, kitchen, and a six (6) room staff quarter building. 

Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Boys Dormitory
Girls Dormitory
Staff House
Pit Latrines for orphanage 
School Activities

Also, the orphanage has a school building on one (1) acre of land, consisting of ten (10) classrooms, running from nursery to ninth grade. The school is primarily for the orphans, but is also open to day students from the community. Current admission of school is two hundred seventy seven (277), with fifteen (15) staff. 

The Normal Orphanage Day: Kids wake up at 5:30am for devotion, done rotationally - praying, praise and worship, share the word, and have kids respond. The next thing is kids brush their teeth, after which they do chores. When this is done, kids can then bath, and get ready for school. School runs from 8:30 AM to !:00 PM. Kids have to walk one (1) hour to school and another hour from school every day. After school, kids eat lunch as one of the two meals a day. For economic reasons, Cassava, etc. is served for breakfast, and rice for lunch. On Sundays, kids go to the Full Gospel Church.

Dormitory Beds
Current wire fence.  Government requires concrete fence for orphanage.


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